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Thanks to live-streaming, museums are turning the crisis into an opportunity to reach new audience. In February, eight Chinese museums joined a 12-hour live-streaming relay...

10 ways to make your museum website COVID secure

Above: Stadel Museum in Frankfurt, one of the European museums that has reopened  A month after the rest of Europe, the first museums in the...

How less ambition can lead to greater museum websites

“We are a world class museum and we want a website / app / interactive to match”. Almost every briefing I receive starts with the...

Social Impact

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Are museums activists? Should they be activists? I would argue that museums have an opportunity to bring activism, however subtly, into their galleries. With the...

What does it mean to decolonize a museum?

恶搞隔壁老王破解版下载_恶搞隔壁老王无限金币内购破解版1 ...:2021-6-9 · 恶搞隔壁老王破解版是一款趣味十足的街机休闲类游戏!这款游戏整体的画面感还是非常值得大家前来尝试一番的,卡通的画面让所有的玩家感受到趣味;解锁超多的道具,完成各种不同的特殊任务体系,拥有着更多的奖励

Film: How Can You Decolonise Museums?

How can you decolonise museums? This presentation shares how Birmingham Museum collaborated with local cultural activists with a strong record of challenging museums to create...

Meet ArtActivistBarbie, the fearless funny feminist taking on a white male art world

ou may be surprised to learn that Barbie – lollipop-headed cultural icon and instrument of female oppression – has thrown off the shackles of the...



In 2006, Blake Mycoskie was in Argentina learning to play Polo, when a chance encounter changed his life. A conversation in a bar introduced him...

Boll Weevils, Museums and adapting to change

In the town of Enterprise, Alabama stands an unusual monument, a statue of a woman holding a pedestal high above her head and in it...

A Museum Bestiary

As Museum professionals, we have an existential choice to make about who and what we want to be. In today’s climate of social activism, one...


How Museums Can Work With Social Media Influencers

You may associate influencer marketing with bikini-clad Instagram models posing with detox tea and encouraging you to use their promo code. How on earth could...

6 of the weirdest (and most wonderful) museum marketing campaigns you’ll ever see

Art is known for pushing the boundaries in a number of different ways. But what happens when museums carry this mindset over into their marketing...


Email marketing is a wonderful thing and one of our favourite methods of digital marketing. How better to remind visitors of how awesome your museum...


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